Holbeach Horticultural Society Constitution
The name of the club shall be Holbeach and District Horticultural Society
The Purpose of the club is to encourage interest and skill in all aspects of gardening
Meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month
The AGM will be held at the February meetings. The annual fees are to be paid at that time.
The annual fee is to be proposed by the committee after projection of expenses in December
An audited account of all expenses will be submitted at the AGM
Membership to be limited to 130 with 5 extra at committee's discretion
A committee of 10 to be elected with the option to co-opt up to 2 others, to be reviewed annually
If an Extra-ordinary General Meeting is to be called members are to be given 14 days notice in writing of agenda
Visitors are welcome with a maximum of 2 visits before joining
In the event of closure any remaining funds are to be donated to a charity nominated by the committee